Icelandic language: The Ethnic process [IcLEP] (NPLA-2018/10075)

The goal for this project is to increase the awareness of the Icelandic language in Lithuanian society by involving artistic methods, in particular singing.
The profound relationship between music and language has been proven by the scientific research: researchers over the last thirty years have made astonishing advances on the theory of language acquisition with particular reference to the pedagogical intervention of language and music connection. Music and language are two dynamic communicative activities; via this dynamic relation, both musical and linguistic advancement can support and strengthen each other, while common characteristics are often observed between these two systems of communication. Music and language mingle in the case of songs and convey the attributes additive, rendering the songs as authentic texts fixed by an explicit cultural background of society.
This project will prove statements mentioned above. The performance will be based on Icelandic songs and sagas, and performed in Islandic at least 5 times in Lithuania, 1 Iceland. The performance also will be adapted for Lithuanian audience with hearing impairment – will be fitted subtitles for deaf and hard of hearing (SDH).
The performance will be prepared by students of the Musical theatre study program of Vilniaus kolegija/ UAS. The Icelandic partners will provide the necessary materials and advice on linguistic issues.
Icelandic and Lithuanian languages and traditions are exceptionally old. This project will emphasize the importance of two small nations, and will underline the importance of linguistic and cultural cooperation.

Coordinating institution – Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences (LT-VIKO)

Contact person – dr. Andrius Juškys

Project period – 2 years project (05/2018 – 04/2020)